04 April 2006

Music For The Underground

Any of you who might regularly or even occasionally have to endure life on the London Underground might enjoy this song, courtesy of JAB in Seattle.

Warning: you may not want to open this at work, or if you or people around you are offended by rude words, because this has a lot of them.


Spoke said...

blast, I have no audio at work...and I like rude words too.

Larry Livermore said...

Sorry for my incompetence, Wesley; it should be working now.

Anonymous said...

That was cute, clever, and refreshing. Further, with a few minor changes it could apply equally to BART. Did you read about BART's dismal commute-hour breakdowns last week? And yes, it was raining, again, again, again, and again. Every weekday morning I wake wondering which form of self-inflicted torture to choose; the tedious traffic jam on the Bay Bridge, or the smelly Ashby to SF BART train. Work is overrated, but I least I can spend some time goofing off on the internet. Don’t tell my boss, but I intend to blow-off Thursday entirely in favor of Opening Day at the ballpark. Unless, of course, it is still raining.

Anonymous said...

i thought you might also appreciate that it represents a multi-cultural indictment of the transit system.